Welcome to my website!
I am a senior at Ingraham High School and a 2nd year in the AIE and Seattle Schools joint program.
I'm looking at being a game designer and programmer in my future.
my name is Zach Tucker, and I have created this website to get a grade.
Ian, I beg of you, please.
I've been gaming all my life and It has had a profound impact on my life.
Some of these games include:
Legend of Zelda
League of Legends
Dark Souls
I love to play competetive videogames, diving, and redoing my mini zen garden.
I wanted to make an impact on other people the way that these game creators have done for me.
to do this, I plan on increasing my skills in these fields, so all I can do is practice and improve and keep striving for more.
My game that I have created is here
Click here to learn about the development of the game
Its a simple Icebreaker game that I have created to appease the Spiderwasp as an offering.
I pray for an A+ grade.
I have also worked on a lunar lander style game called Bee Lander.
AI is something that I have always been interested in, so I made an AI test for an RPG.
Ideas that I would like to work on for future games
I have worked on the Naval battle simulator for a while, but then I lost the files for it, so I have to start from scratch again.
I am currently working on it to be a grid system, simultaneous turn based game.
You have about 20-30 seconds to choose 4 rounds of 1 move action and 1 attack.
The move actions consist of a left turn, a straight, and a right turn.
The straights move one tile forward, and each of the turns move 1 tile forward, rotate 90 degrees in its respective direction, then move another space forward.
You can have a total of 8 move actions in your storage at one time, and takes from 5-10 seconds to make a charge for a direction.
You can also choose the tile that you wish to obtain for the next charge.
For attack actions you have cannons, nets, and grappling hook.
You can have 4 cannons stored at a time, 2 nets, and unlimited grapples and each charge takes about 10-20 seconds to reload.
Cannons shoots 4 spaces and if they hit, increase the time for the enemy ship to make a move token, and kill a crew member.
Nets shoots 5 spaces and if they hit, they decrese the amount of rounds that move actions can be used by the enemy ship by 1.
Grappling nets shoot out 1 space, and if they hit, they end the battle and the player with more crew wins.
If the number of crew on a ship is 0, or the max amount of hits a ship can take is reached, the battle will end.